Visual Moments (Detail)
Work in Progress
© Tobias Loemke
Visual Moments
26 September 2022 -
26 September 2021
Photographs (see also my Instagram-Account)
© Tobias Loemke

Some Visual Moments as a hyperimage.
© Tobias Loemke
Visual Moments
»Visual Moments« is a work in progress. The part shown is a collection of photos taken exactly over one year, from 26 September 2022 back to 26 September 2021. It's a selection of my favourite ones, a few pictures out of hundreds.
Smartphones allow to take »portraits« of every situation of daily life. I've captured in that way many thousands of situations in more than ten years. There were never explicit decisions to go photographing. The opposite is the case: I take the pictures when I am affected by something. These emotions can come from spaces, lights, rhythms or shapes. They prompt me to take the photo. Always having a camera with me makes it possible to take pictures of visual moments which are fascinating in their appearance: When the warm evening sun empowers a yellow square, when flower petals dance in the wind or when a rain shower dissolves the clarity of a window. Somehow the walk through everyday life takes a turn. It is similar to walking through a gallery. You discover special situations and moments perceiving the environment like a show. In looking at something, the transformation process of perception into your own picture begins.
The presented series »Visual Moments« shows three different compositions: Single images, horizontal double images and vertical double images. The combination of the pictures involves simultaneity. As in collages, the double view opens up a new space between time and place. »Visual Moments« also has a chronological order. This makes it possible to find out relationships between the pictures. As a hyperimage, the overview allows to find out homologies or similarities. It is related to my research on students showing their artwork.

Studio View